Neon signs
Neon tubes are the most colorful of Kapilar's products. We mainly cooperate with advertising and lighting companies, which entrust us with the production of specialized products to suit the requirements of their Customers. Our technical capabilities, well trained and high - qualified employees and the great variety of colors range let us realize even the most sophisticated and spectacular creations.
KAPILAR Is a leading Polish neon producer. Our technical Infrastructure
(we use the best and unique software far computer aided neon design
station DPS2 produced by MODULAR!) and well - trained and skilled staff
allow us to realize even the most sophisticated creations.
We address our offer mostly to advertising and lighting companies that
do not have a specialized division for production of neon tubes. We also
cooperate with artists willing to realize their visions using the light neon
matter we also renovate old neons which constitute the history of Polish
(we use the best and unique software far computer aided neon design
station DPS2 produced by MODULAR!) and well - trained and skilled staff
allow us to realize even the most sophisticated creations.
We address our offer mostly to advertising and lighting companies that
do not have a specialized division for production of neon tubes. We also
cooperate with artists willing to realize their visions using the light neon
matter we also renovate old neons which constitute the history of Polish
We share our knowledge In newspapers and professional
magazines such as VISUAL COMMUNICATION as well as on the Internet,
magazines such as VISUAL COMMUNICATION as well as on the Internet,
NEON for many years have been used for decoration and advertising
purposes. The uniqueness of the light effects makes neon very
popular, even though many other forms of illumination are used
in architecture, art or advertising. Small faultiness, low costs
ot exploitation and eternal liveliness of the color are the qualities
that make it even more attractive. Especially in Poland a country
trying to catch up with the West - neons are experiencing a "second youth".
NEON TUBES are made of high quality glass with a diameter
of 6-22 mm. Small neons are made of a single tube segment. In case
of bigger neons the neon tube is divided into segments called
systems. Both ends of each system have electrodes for electric
connection. Certain systems are connected in series, edge
electrodes are connected to a transformer. The neon is supplied
by high voltage transformers or electronic feeders with the voltage
of 1-lOkVand 18-100 mA current.
Thanks to using specialist controllers, the NEONS offer the possibility to create a number of visual effects:
purposes. The uniqueness of the light effects makes neon very
popular, even though many other forms of illumination are used
in architecture, art or advertising. Small faultiness, low costs
ot exploitation and eternal liveliness of the color are the qualities
that make it even more attractive. Especially in Poland a country
trying to catch up with the West - neons are experiencing a "second youth".
NEON TUBES are made of high quality glass with a diameter
of 6-22 mm. Small neons are made of a single tube segment. In case
of bigger neons the neon tube is divided into segments called
systems. Both ends of each system have electrodes for electric
connection. Certain systems are connected in series, edge
electrodes are connected to a transformer. The neon is supplied
by high voltage transformers or electronic feeders with the voltage
of 1-lOkVand 18-100 mA current.
Thanks to using specialist controllers, the NEONS offer the possibility to create a number of visual effects:
- switching on/switching off neon elements
- smooth lightening/darkening
- "written neon" effect
- smooth change of colour with full RGBchart
Neon colour chart:
Neon tube colours are divided into five series:
- 100 SERIES - transparent glass without phosphor coating,
- 200 SERIES - coloured glass without phosphor coating,
- 300 SERIES - phosphor coated transparent glass,
- 400SERIES- phosphor coated coloured glass,
- 500 SERIES -glass for channel letters Illumination.
The colours presented below are close to actual glass colours and neon light. However, dueto a different colour formation process on paper (CMYK), they may not be treated as reference colours!
- About us
- History
- Logo and KAPILAR name
- Quality Policy
- Glass wizards
- Professional certification
- Certificate PN-EN ISO 9001:2001
- Declarations of conformity
- Faktury zaliczkowe
- Procedura reklamacyjna paczek uszkodzonych w transporcie spedycyjnym
- Praca w KAPILARZE (PL)
- Patents and certificates
- The press about us wrote
- Scientific papers
- We were shown on TV
- Not only profits
- Warsztaty ze szkła ECO-ART
- Polityka plików cookies
- Ochrona danych osobowych
- Neon signs
- Historia neonów
- Reklamy neonowe
- Formy reklam neonowych
- Neony standardowe
- NeonArt (sztuka neonowa)
- Naprawy neonów
- Renowacje starych neonów
- Rurki neonowe
- Prowadzenie rurki neonowej w literach
- Ukształtowania elektrod i odsadek
- Współpraca z Partnerami (firmy reklamowe, oświetleniowe, dekoracyjne)
- Dokumentacja neonów
- Wzorniki kolorów neonów
- Tester rur neonowych
- Programy komputerowe
- Our neons on TV advertisment
- Najczęściej zadawane pytania (FAQ)
- Porównanie neony/diody LED
- Galeria naszych neonów
- Formularz wyceny neonu
- Reklamy
- Thermometers
- Szkło
- DIY winemaking
- About us
- History
- Logo and KAPILAR name
- Quality Policy
- Glass wizards
- Professional certification
- Certificate PN-EN ISO 9001:2001
- Declarations of conformity
- Faktury zaliczkowe
- Procedura reklamacyjna paczek uszkodzonych w transporcie spedycyjnym
- Praca w KAPILARZE (PL)
- Patents and certificates
- The press about us wrote
- Scientific papers
- We were shown on TV
- Not only profits
- Warsztaty ze szkła ECO-ART
- Polityka plików cookies
- Ochrona danych osobowych
- Neon signs
- Historia neonów
- Reklamy neonowe
- Formy reklam neonowych
- Neony standardowe
- NeonArt (sztuka neonowa)
- Naprawy neonów
- Renowacje starych neonów
- Rurki neonowe
- Prowadzenie rurki neonowej w literach
- Ukształtowania elektrod i odsadek
- Współpraca z Partnerami (firmy reklamowe, oświetleniowe, dekoracyjne)
- Dokumentacja neonów
- Wzorniki kolorów neonów
- Tester rur neonowych
- Programy komputerowe
- Our neons on TV advertisment
- Najczęściej zadawane pytania (FAQ)
- Porównanie neony/diody LED
- Galeria naszych neonów
- Formularz wyceny neonu
- Reklamy
- Thermometers
- Szkło
- DIY winemaking